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The serial literature, like Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, is organized by subject.
But behavior analytic technology is effective across many different subjects including education, medicine, business, rehabilitation, public policy. So theoretical and research developments in the field might be stored or organized in a number of different journals and databases.
Furthermore, researchers in the field of behavior analysis are publishing approximately 50 new journal articles per month! That is a lot to keep up with!
We browse 80+ journals to find research developments relevant to professional behavior analysts. Then we put them all in one place. So you only have to browse one website when you are looking for behavior analytic research. And if you are looking for research on a specific topic, your search results will only give you behavior analytic articles. No more 'needle in a haystack' searches!
PLUS! We know many professional behavior analysts do not have access to a university library. So we find which articles have a free full text version available on the web.
Graze (verb) ˈgrāz
reading information that is readily available. For example, only reading research from Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis because free full text articles are easier to come by. One disadvantage to grazing for research is missing important information just because it is harder to find.
Browse (verb) ˈbrau̇z
to look through a collection in search of something of interest. The Current Developments website provides a comprehensive list of behavior analytic research perfect for browsing. This keeps professionals informed about relevant research from a variety of sources. You only have to browse through research that is important to you and your practice.
Chief Executive Officer
Nicole's passion is helping professional behavior analysts learn about research developments in the field. She has a PhD in information science with an emphasis in scholarly communication.
Senior Technology Director
Evan needs to send me a bio or this is all that will be posted on the website.
Working in Behavior Analysis for 13 years, Richard accidently stumbled into coding during graduate school and hasn't been able to find his way out. He holds a M.A. from Florida Institute of Technology and an unrecognized certificate in finding Carrollesque holes.
Founding Board Member and Secretary
Ryan needs to update his picture and his bio or this is all that will be posted on the website.
Founding Board Member
Trina is Associate Professor at Rightpath Research & Innovation Center. Trina's research and service focus on language and literacy and early childhood special education.